Announcement: Date of the 22nd AHWP Annual Meeting & Capacity Traning in India
- 4~5 Dec 2017: GHWP Capacity Training (1.5 days, tentatively)
- 5~8 Dec 2017: GHWP TC Workshop (1.5 days, tentatively), the 21st GHWP TC Meeting (1 day) and the 22nd GHWP Anuual Meeting (1 day)
Location: Delhi, India
Venue hotel will be announced soon at GHWP website.
Thank you for your kind notice.
Quality Management System-Medical Devices Requirements for Distributors, Importers and Authorized Representatives
Please refer to the below attached with more information.
Thank you
MDSAP Assessment and Decision Process for the Recognition of an Auditing Organization
Please refer to the below attached with more information.
Thank you
Competence and Training Requirements for Auditing Organizations
Please refer to the below attached with more information.
Thank you